Sunday, July 14, 2013

Size Matters

A friendly reminder to my loyal followers. My posts are always all in good fun. I live to laugh and when something makes me laugh, I feel the need to share it with you. You're welcome. Side note: Dad, thanks for taking interest in my new blog. I think you better sit this one out. It's for the best. 

It has been brought to my attention that there is a contest being held in a bar in Brooklyn, New York next Saturday.  Are you ready for this?! It's called "Smallest Penis Contest."  And they're looking for competitors on Craigslist!!! Wait! Don't go lookin' for the ad just yet. Let me finish.....

It's being described as a "pageant for confident people with a sense of humor." Ya think?!? Apparently there will be talent, evening wear, and swimsuit competitions.  I wonder if the talent portion has to involve their lil' guy somehow. 

And yes, there is a cash prize for the winner as well as being given the title of  "Smallest Penis In Brooklyn."  Personally, I think a much better prize would be a free trial of Extenze.  Oh please, don't pretend that you haven't seen the infomercial for that shit. 

Why, New York? Why?!? I can see it happening in Weiner, Arkansas maybe.  Yep, there is such a place. Google it.  I've done some research.  God, I really hope the NSA hasn't tapped into my internet searches over the past twenty four hours.  It wasn't pretty.

I wonder what kind of audience they think they'll get.  "Girls night out! Let's go feast our eyes on some small dicks," said no one ever. 

Thanks to my little sister (who just so happens to be married to a New Yorker) for bringing this story to my attention. I promise I won't ask how you came across it.

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